Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blog-Ode to Blogging

What is my life, if the daily slog,
Leaves me no time to update my blog.

No time to sit in this peaceful house,
And share my thoughts of Vivaldi and Strauss.

No time to sit and glorify van Gogh,
Or the brilliant work of Mies van der Rohe.

No time to talk of my globetrotting days,
Of crazier times, in a decadent haze.

No time to dispense didactic meditations,
Of global warming or my cat's vaccinations.

A poor life this is, if the daily slog,
Leaves me too drained to update my blog.

With thanks and sincere apologies to William Henry Davies, Author of the poem "Leisure"


  1. wtf, way 2 deep. good luck with that... i think

  2. very cool :) haha! cat's vaccinations! lol
